Doug McDonald

greenville, Spartanburg, Anderson, Columbia, charleston, South Carolina, Charlotte, Asheville, North Carolina, wedding, dj, disc jockey, entertainment, photo booths, upstate, greenbrier farms, hotel domestique, dressing dreams, wedding photo booth r…

Doug’s love for music began before he could walk, and his passion for music has carried forward into live music 30 years later. Doug can play double duty. Performing live acoustic ceremony music, and then getting all your guests on the dance floor during the reception! He’s a graduate from Clemson University with a degree in Communications.  

Doug is an amazing team member for PPE-DJs, and not only is a party rocker behind the turntables, he is also a singer/songwriter whose music can only be described as, “an eclectic blend of raw, soulful vocals and long-lasting melodies, with a touch of harsh, broken reality.” A versatile artist, McDonald grabs everyone listening with transparent lyrics and infectious sound, leading us all on different journeys while hearing the same directions. No matter the destination, when the music begins to take you away, you’ll always enjoy the ride.